Uniform Policy

We are very proud of our school uniform and how smart it makes our children look! Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our uniform policy at the bottom of this page.
- You can purchase our school jumpers and cardigans online from Monkhouse.
- School ties and book bags are available at the school office, both costing £6 each.
- We also have a small collection of preloved school uniforms available. If you would like an item of preloved uniform, please email the school office on [email protected] indicating the items you would like and the sizes required.
Small studs earring are permitted, but these must be removed by the child before each PE lesson. Your child will have to put their own studs back in after the lesson.
In the interests of Health & Safety, long hair must be tied back and no jewelry (other than stud earrings), nail polish or artifical nails should be worn.
All children should wear black school shoes. Trainers or shoes with a heel are not allowed.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2:
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are expected to wear:
- School jumper or cardigan with school logo (available from Monkhouse)
- White polo shirt (available from most supermarkets)
- Grey skirt, grey pinafore or grey trousers (available from most supermarkets)
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Years 3, 4, 5 and 6:
Children in Key Stage 2 are expected to wear:
- School jumper or cardigan with school logo (available from Monkhouse)
- Long or short sleeved white shirt (available from most supermarkets)
- School tie (available from the school office for £6)
- Grey skirt, grey pinafore or grey trousers (available from most supermarkets)
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Summer Uniform
During the summer months, children can wear blue gingham summer dresses or grey shorts. KS2 children can also wear white polo shirts during the summer term without a tie.:
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Book Bags
All children should have a school book bag. Rucksacks, backpacks or tote bags are not permitted as we simply do not have the space to store 30+ large bags in each classroom.
Book bags are available from the school office and cost £6.00.
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PE Kit
Each child should have an indoor and outdoor PE kit with their name clearly labelled in all items. This must be kept in the same PE bag.
The indoor kit should consist of a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps:
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The outdoor kit should consist of a white t-shirt (one t-shirt for indoor and outdoor is sufficient), jogging bottoms, sweatshirt, socks and trainers. Please note hoodies (zip-up or sweatshirt) are not allowed.
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If you have any questions regarding our school uniform, please speak to the school office.