Mini Vinnies come together to form a part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. Mini Vinnies meet to pray, discuss and support however they can to help make a difference in their schools and communities.

Laudato Si Centre
Our Mini Vinnies put their faith into action when they visited the Laudato Si Centre recently. They spent time reflecting on Pope Francis' encyclical and what he is asking us to do. We then explored ways that we can each care for our Common Home.
Cuppa and a Chat
Our Parish Community is very important to us at St Philip's and we enjoy spending time getting to know different members of this extension of our family. One of these ways is our Cuppa and a Chat sessions. Here are some pictures from our recent one where we shared stories together. Thank you to all those who joined us.
Mini Vinnie Mass
Our Mini Vinnies had a great day as they joined other Mini Vinnie groups for our annual Mass at Our Lady's Church, Edgeley.