Home Learning

As a school, we value the importance of home learning in supporting, extending and consolidating the learning covered in the classroom while supporting our children to develop self- discipline, independence and the ability to take responsibility for their own learning. We know parents/carers are always very keen to support their children at home and so hope that this letter will help you in doing so throughout the year.

One of the best ways to support your child is by simply talking with them about their day and learning experiences, as retrieval practice boosts learning by pulling information out of children’s heads. In addition to this, we expect the children to complete the following learning at home throughout the week.


Phonics book

Book band book

At least three times a week for 10 minutes

Read Write Inc Phonics

Sound Activities

Sent home on a Friday to be returned on a Wednesday

Phonics book

Book band book

At least three times per week for 20 minutes
English Handwriting Send home on a Monday to be returned on a Friday
Spelling Spelling Shed At least three times per week for 10 minutes
Maths Times Table Rockstar or Numbots At least three times per week for 10 minutes

Phonics book

Book band book

At least three times per week for 30 minutes
English Handwriting Send home on a Monday to be returned on a Friday
Spelling Spelling Shed At least three times per week for 10 minutes
Maths Times Table Rockstar At least three times per week for 10 minutes

Please note that in Year 6 children will also be expected to complete some SATS preparation home learning also.

For those children who bring home both a phonics and book band book, the phonics text is decodable and at their level. The book band book focuses on comprehension and fluency with the expectation that some words will be a challenge, therefore these should be used as a book which is shared and that the children gains adult support with. 

Please can we ask that you sign your child’s reading record each time they read with you at home so we can keep up to date with how they are progressing and add them to our new Reading Rainbow. Your child’s log ins for any online resources such as Spelling Shed can be found inside their reading record.

Please remember that home learning is about reinforcing, practising and confidence building; it should be a positive and hopefully fun learning experience to be shared by child and parent/carer.

If you have any questions regarding home learning or require any support with it then please contact your child’s class teacher.